Take 30 percent off today!
Get 30% off select items at:
11/4-11/5: 30% Off Everything with Code COZY30
Excludes furniture, new acrylic trays and boxes.
#art #modernart #elvissantana #tome213 #miamiart #artist #artists #painting #hialeahart #floridaart #305art #painterFan Page is Up!
Thank you to all my wonderful family, friends, fans, supporters and clients. without your constant inspiration and nudging, I'd have given it all up a long time ago. I am blessed to have you all in my life.
We now sell furniture
I am proud to announce that we are now selling stool, tables, credenzas and more! Available at:Prints and merchandise available at:
www.society6.com/tome2131000 Followers on Twitter
Thank you all for the continued support
New products coming soon!
Working on several new items to include stools, tables and more. Stay tuned!
Pardon our Dust
Elvissantana.com is currently under construction as I update the page with the latest art, links and content. In the meantime, feel free to visit the links section and follow us on social media!